133 Columbus Avenue Apt # 2B, West Harrison, New York 10604

Does seeing a set of stairs intimidate you? Does it invoke memories of intense knee or low back pain?

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Does seeing a set of stairs intimidate you? Does it invoke memories of intense knee or low back pain?

Well, this is my stair master! I was told that I wouldn’t be able to walk by the time I was 35 without knee replacements by one orthopedist. Both orthopedists in my teenage years said I had bad knees and would eventually have to have them replaced. Today I am 48 with my original knees and I go up and down these 250 stairs 3 times with no pain!  (That is all the way to the top where the sun breaks out again! 250 stairs times 6= 1500 total stairs)

#Valhalla,NY #WhitePlains, NY

Stairs and the inability to navigate them are more reasons why older adults lose their independence. Let’s talk about what makes stairs hard and what you can do to make it easier on your knees; not to mention have you going up and down the stairs so well your grandkids can’t keep up!

#Valhalla Dam

Most people rely only on their knees and quads to get up the stairs. Which is not good for your knees and why you end up in so much pain. Half-way up your bending over with your hands on your thighs hoping it will end soon. And you are wondering “where is the elevator”?

The trick to doing stairs and not having knee pain, is to incorporate other parts of your body.  In addition to the knees and quads, you want to incorporate your core, hamstrings, calves, ankles, and glutes. Incorporating good core stability and strength to keep your balance and help you lift your leg high enough to get up to the next step. Ankle and calf strength and stability literally give you a solid leg to stand on while you bend and move the other leg to the next stair. The glutes and hamstring help propel your body up the stairs and take the stress off your knee. 

Didn’t realize how complicated going up the stairs could be, did you? 

#nopain #painfreemovement #fiftyPlus

For those of you inclined to do the workouts yourself here is a list of exercises to help you get up those stairs with ease and less pain!

Ankles: isometric pushes and holds against a non-moveable surface like a table leg 30sec each direction 3 times each foot. Resistance band flexions in/out and down/up 10 times each for 3 sets.

Calf strength: start with calf raises both feet while seated hold for 20-30 sec and work up to standing calf raises holds for 20-30 sec one leg at a time.

Hamstring and Glutes: reverse lunges, balance holds with leg in front, and squats. If you have trouble with squats, start with wall squats using a stability ball behind your back. Lunges and squats 10 times for 3 sets. Balance holds see how long you can hold without tipping over to the other side or falling over. Then gradually increase the time. 

Core: Marches, Deadbugs, and Birddogs are great! Perform 10 times each exercise for 3 sets.

I will be posting videos of these exercises on my social media over the next several weeks. So, follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

If you are wanting personalized assistance with these exercises, give us call today 914 953-8949 and let’s have you a master stair climber in no time!


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